14 Tips for Creating Less Trash Over the Holiday Season

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Thu, 11/30/2017 - 6:30am

Since World Ocean Day a few years ago I have worked hard to reduce my footprint both in my personal life and in business.  The holiday season brings special challenges.  Part has to do with memories, I was talking with a friend recently about gift wrapping.  She said, "I love to wrap gifts, it's part of my Christmas season."  But- how we choose to wrap makes a big difference.  Elaborate, non biodegradable gift wrap leaves a lasting footprint.  To help you have a trash free holiday I've listed 14 ways to hopefully get that holiday glow without the trash.

Read the blog here- https://www.dulseandrugosa.com/blogs/news/have-a-holly-trash-free-holiday-and-a-plastic-free-new-year-tips-for-reducing-your-holiday-footprint