Letter to the editor: Tom Resilk

Camden’s Tannery Park request for proposals language under discussion

Sat, 04/20/2019 - 6:45pm

To all Friends of "Tannery Park" Camden:

There will be a crucial meeting of The Town of Camden's  CEDAC Committee on next  Monday, April 22, at 4 p.m. at the John French Meeting Room, Camden Town Office, regarding the future of Tannery Park. 

The CEDAC commitee and Jeremy Martin, Camden’s community and development director, are meeting to approve a final draft RFP (Request for Proposals) for a possible sale of Tannery Park (Tannery Site) to a private developer for redevelopment of the site. Therefore, it is important that those opposed to a sale of the Tannery Site be present to demonstrate their objection to any sale of the property as a whole.

A sale of the property as a whole, would contradict the consensus  reached by Camden's "Tannery Work Group" for Tannery Park to be a Community centered space. This consensus has been widely accepted by the community as the best solution for the Tannery Site now formally named "Tannery Park" by the Camden Select Board and the Town had taken many steps to put this plan in to reality.

The Tannery Work Group met for two years with monthly meetings and then presented progress reports at three large community wide meetings. The town also hired three facilitators, including a landscape architectural firm to help the TWG reach a consensus draft plan.

The final report  that was accepted unananimously by the Select Board concluded that the Tannery Site should be a community themed multi-use place.  It would include a permanent home for the Camden Farmers' Market, recreational space, including a playground (fundraised with donations), green-space surrounding the existing Riverwalk and space for community based events.

The Tannery Work Group's plan also set aside a space that could be leased for a commercial or non-commercial structure for possible retail, office, cafe, or educational facility. An RFP (Request for Proposals) would be appropriate in finding a developer for that specific portion of the property, but not for the sale of "Tannery Park" as a whole.

If you care about the future of Tannery Park as a town-owned property, please show up for the CEDAC meeting Monday, April 22, at 4 p.m. at the Washington Street Conference Room, Town Hall to let the CEDAC committee and Jeremy Martin, Town of Camden Planning and Development Director know that you oppose the issuance of an RFP for the sale of Tannery Park.

The community has worked too hard getting this far with Tannery Park to start over again!

Tom Resek lives in Camden



Friends of Tannery Park- Chair

Tannery Work Group - Member

Camden Park and Rec Committee- Member

Neighbor of Tannery Park