Send Steve Ellis off to ‘Gusta ta help us out’
Since I lived here in Brooks mosta my life so far, I thought I’d talk to your readers about that Steve Ellis fella that wants ta represent ya in Augusta next couple a years.
I wasn’t surprised to hear he was related to that Ellis family in Brooks. Why I ‘member watching them Ellis girls play tourney basketball at the old Bangor Auditorium and “The Pit” in Orono, and wasn’t surprised to find that Steve has been a coach and mentor, and he even played bball on the parquet floor in the old Boston Garden. Why he’s only three or four generations removed from bein’ a Mainah!
Steve grew up a country boy out there in upstate New York and had a career helpin’ people out by teachin’, coachin’ and getting’ people to work together to get them darn computers to help do cancer research. Pretty good stuff, I’ll say!
Now the country boy’s back to da home of his ancestors and wants to protect our ‘vironment, improve housing, education and health care. He’s a smart fella, and I think we otta give him a chance and send him off to ‘Gusta ta hep us out. He’s got my vote and I hope he got yours, too!
Bunk Quimby lives in Brooks