Letter to the editor: Melissa Gates

Senator Miramant is the Leader We Need

Sat, 10/17/2020 - 9:15pm

When COVID-19 first spread across the globe, I felt a range of emotions. I was worried, not just for myself and loved ones, but for everyone. I was anxious, given how little the world’s leading health experts knew with certainty at that time about this virus.

I was grateful to be living in Cushing, able to safely tuck away in nature and physically distance.

I was humbled by my privilege, inclusive of full-time employment in this unprecedented time, easily transitioning to 100% remote operations and allowing me the comfort of continued health insurance and income. 
I was reinspired to ramp up advocacy for others to have equitable access to basic rights, needs and a clean environment.
Through all the chaos of 2020, I have also felt incredibly relieved to have Senator Dave Miramant representing us in Augusta.


I have seen the results of Dave’s hard work over the last six years, how effective he is as our senator as well as how decent of a human being he is, and how truly he cares about and values everyone in our community equally.

I witnessed Dave take the high road in a contentious campaign a few years ago, when his challenger opted to play dirty; Dave had the opportunity to return attack but instead chose to rise above the negativity with integrity to stay focused on the issues and solutions.

I have seen Dave not only welcome the ideas of others but broaden his own thinking by actively seeking out a diversity of opinion. I’ve watched him then bring that informed position to the table along with his own expertise to lead deliberation with his colleagues. I have seen him translate ideas into working solutions to help forge the path ahead for Maine. Now more than ever, we need Dave’s leadership in Augusta. 

The continued crises we face demand the election of leaders like Dave Miramant: with the right expertise, experience, demeanor, intents, motivations and connections to help plan for and obtain a just, equitable and inclusive future.

Dave has my vote this November 3 and I hope he will have yours, too.

Melissa Gates lives in Cushing