Our Working Constitution: Freedom Isn't Free course on Five Town CSD Adult Ed
How well do you know the U.S. Constitution? Political leaders often refer to one part or another, but what does it means for the average citizen? Join Merchant Marine and military veteran Thomas Hepp for a close study and lively discussion of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and other documents that became the foundation of U.S. governance. This course includes a look at how the founding fathers (and mothers) intended government to operate and what changes have taken place over the last 240 years; and what exactly unalienable rights are.
Freedom Isn’t Free: Our Working Constitution meets six Wednesday evenings beginning September 18, 6 to 8 p.m., course fee $19, includes copies of documents.
Register online at adulted@fivetowns.net
25 Keelson Dr
Rockport, ME 04856