Mike Ray will work tirelessly for the people of District 40
Mike Ray is running for State Representative in District 40 (Appleton, Islesboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Montville, Morrill and Searsmont). I live in Lincolnville and have known Mike casually, as small town neighbors do, for many years. However, during my involvement with Lincolnville Heart and Soul, and through other volunteer activities that we have shared, I have gotten to know him much better. I am always appreciative of his friendly and approachable manner. I have great respect for his work ethic. I split and hauled wood with him after he introduced me to the Waldo County Woodshed, an organization he supports with both his words, his time and his actions.
Mike is a selectman for Lincolnville. I have found him to be a very good listener when I express my concerns about town issues. He is always very well informed about issues at both the town and state levels. He has become my “go to” person when I have questions about anything affecting Lincolnville.
He is an active citizen that understands the nature of hard work. Beyond his volunteer work and his service to our town as a selectman, he has worked as a registered Maine Guide, a carpenter, a painter, and small business owner, to name just a few. He knows how diversified skills help ordinary people make a living in rural Maine. When you have worked hard all your life, your sympathies lie with working people, and I know he will work hard for all of us if we send him to Augusta.
Mike has already begun the work of preparing for this job. He serves on the Maine Municipal Association Legislative Policy Committee. He is the Lincolnville Representative to Midcoast Council of Governments. He serves on the Lincolnville Conservation Commission. In the past he has served on the Lincolnville Broadband Committee, the Lincolnville Planning Board. He serves on the Lincolnville Heart and Soul Planning Group. He is a Lincolnville Election Clerk.
In short, Mike understands how government works and how to work effectively in government. He will work tirelessly for the people of District 40. He is one of us. He understands us. He will get the job done. Let’s make sure he has that opportunity and vote for Mike Ray as our State Representative on November 5!
Cheryl Cassidy lives in Lincolnville