Local group to gather in solidarity to end burning of fossil fuels

Event has passed

BELFAST — A group of Maine elders and their allies will gather on the morning of Sunday, September 17 to demonstrate in solidarity with the tens of thousands who are expected to gather in New York City for a march urging an end to the burning of fossil fuels and the declaration of a climate emergency by President Biden.

The demonstration will be held from noon-12:30 p.m., on the corners of High and Main streets in Belfast. Participation is open to all members of the public. 

The gathering is sponsored by Third Act Midcoastmaine, a local hub of Third Act Maine and national Third Act (https://thirdact.org), which seeks to empower people over age 60 to use their experience, time and resources to contribute to positive climate action, with a special focus on encouraging financial institutions to divest their interests in further fossil fuel development.

“Multiple local organizations including Waldo Peace and Justice Forum, The Belfast Community Climate Hub, and the Possibility Alliance,” said Third Act Midcoastmaine, in a news release.

Participants in the New York City march (see https://commondreams.org) will include members of over 500 organizations committed to a livable planet and is being staged ahead of U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s  “no nonsense” Climate Ambition Summit.

“Coincidentally, it also follows a summer of fossil-fuel-fueled extreme weather events sparking unprecedented wildfires, heat waves, and flooding,” according to Third Act Midcoastmaine.

Those interested in joining the gathering are encouraged to simply show up and if possible bring a simple home-made sign with a climate message: Climate Emergency.

Questions? Call 207-573-0430

Event Date: 

Sun, 09/17/2023 - 12:00pm to 12:30pm

Event Location: 
