Goose River Golf Club league August 9-10 results
ROCKPORT — Goose River Golf Club’s Twilight and Ladies Leagues continued in action this week.
Below are results from the Aug. 9-10 events as reported to the sports department.
Twilight League (August 9)
A/B Flight Skins
Ian Sady made a 3 on holes #2 & #3 and a 2 on hole #9
Matt Haynes made a 3 on hole #4
Brian Wickenden made a 3 on hole #7
Kris Welt made a 2 on hole #8
C/D/E/F Flight Skins
Dante Ravelli made 2 on hole #8
Dan Benson made a 4 on hole #5
Mark McGuirl made a 3 on holes #6 & #7
Don Benson made a 3 on hole #9
Dave Luckman made a 4 on hole #3
Closest to the pin #8
Front Tees: Lincoln Page 7' 6"
Back Tees: Kris Welt, 7"
Closest to the pin #9
Front tees: Don Benson, 28' 11"
Back tees: Adam Lynch, 18' 11"
Dan Benson
Ladies League, Medal Play (August 10)
A Flight
First Gross: Joanna Hall (44)
First Net: Brenda Berry (38)
B Flight
First Gross: Karen Higgins (48)
First Net: Diane Zollo (35)
C Flight Scramble
Wendy Anderson, Van Laliberte, Christine Armstrong, Lynne Taylor (44)
Closest to the Pin
#8: Brenda Berry 5’ 4”
Delisa Morong