“A Conversation with Author Deborah Gould” in Tenants Harbor, Aug. 23
Event has passed
TENANTS HARBOR — On Friday, Aug. 23, from 5 to 7 p.m., the Jackson Memorial Library, in Tenants Harbor, will host “A Conversation with Author Deborah Gould,” author of the novel Kate Meader set in Gardiner, Maine in 1900.
Gould writes, “Fiction tends to spring out of my fascination with social history and the common experiences and truths we share with those who came before us. It’s not about dates. It’s not about wars and treaties; it’s not about invasions and conquests and land acquisition. It’s not even about the enormous — and often disastrous — decisions made by our presidents, politicians, and generals.
“History is about what happens to us — the people — after those decisions have been made. It’s about our old photographs and letters, about newspapers and wills, diaries, and family trees — fathers and mothers and children and siblings. It’s about stately old houses and abandoned farms, cellar holes, and graveyards. History is the experiences and truths we share with those who have lived before us; history is about you and me and our common, lovely lives."
Gould is a three-season resident of Brunswick, and spends her summers on Flying Pond in Mt. Vernon.
Address: 71 Main Street in Tenants Harbor
Website: www.jacksonmemoriallibrary.org
Contact for more information: Rebecca Olson, (207) 372-8961, rebecca@jacksonmemoriallibrary.org