Hurricanes and Whoopie Pies: Camden-Rockport Historical Society hosts Harvest at the Homestead, Oct. 7

Event has passed

CAMDEN —Saturday’s Harvest at the Homestead is on to Plan B thanks to lots of rain bringing an end to the lovely dry spate of weather the Midcoast has been enjoying.

The Camden-Rockport Historical Society’s Harvest event, slightly trimmed down, is moving inside for your viewing pleasure this coming rainy Saturday. What better way to spend a rainy day than to experience Living History, view and learn from artisan’s demonstrating old time crafts still being done today, view the Textile Exhibit (last chance!), sample and purchase whoopie pies, bread pudding, pumpkin bars, pies and more; eat in or take home.

Crafts of old include rug hooking, weaving, spinning, chair repair, quilting, apple drying, and shingle making. While most crafts will be inside in the museum or barn, tours of the Homestead and Barn will be an option, rain permitting. Bring boots and rain gear if you would like to view and learn about the history of our campus buildings. We are discovering new information all the time. Entertaining guests throughout the day will be live fife and drum music from “back in the day”.

Several members of the Early Camden Living History team (formerly Troops of Camden) will be on hand, but indoors, in period costume to discuss Revolutionary times.

The Homestead and museum are located off of Route 1 behind Hannaford. Look for the Open flag and the sheep at the entrance.

Fall means Harvest and the Camden-Rockport Historical Society’s Homestead, aka Conway House, will be the site of a celebration of the Harvest on Saturday, Oct. 7, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Multiple historical harvest activities, demonstrations and treats will take place alongside the Troops of Camden Living History demonstrations. The historical interpreters of early Camden living history, in period clothing, will be discussing and demonstrating various 18th century skills such as medicine, candle dipping, apple drying, shingle making and fire starting with flint and steel.

In addition, members of the “militia” will have talks on Penobscot Bay during the American Revolution, including displays of the arms and equipment a local soldier was expected to carry. Periodically, there may be some military drumming.

Children’s activities including face painting will occur alongside demonstrations of early crafts such as rug hooking, spinning and weaving, quilting and black smithing and making bait bags.

The current Textile Exhibit in the museum will be open as will the Homestead.

Vendors exhibiting and selling historical and harvest relevant crafts, and a sale of apple and pumpkin baked goods will top off the day.

The Camden Rockport Historical Society’s Cramer Museum and Homestead campus is located on Rt 1 near the Camden-Rockport line, just behind Hannaford supermarket.

Event Date: 

Sat, 10/07/2023 - 10:00am to 4:00pm

Event Location: 

Conway House


Camden-Rockport Historical Society
Camden, ME 04843
United States