Summertime in Midcoast Maine

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 5:00am

Summertime is indeed a treat in Midcoast Maine, with all the wonders of mountains and sea to be explored! In the world of Pediatrics, the focus shifts to ‘active kid’ problems, such as rashes, bug bites, swimmer’s ear and unfortunately, injuries.

Keep the fun in summer with preventive measures such as routine use of SPF 30 or higher sunscreen and/or insect repellent, nightly tick checks, and age-appropriate flotation devices! And please do call your pediatrician with any concerns that may arise, such as persistent earaches, high-risk tick bites (deer tick attached longer than 24 hrs or engorged at the time of discovery) and/or febrile illnesses.

Dr. Adda Winkes is accepting new patients at her Pediatric Direct Primary Care Practice, Megunticook Medicine.