The Pathway to Fulfilled Desires by Roy Roden

Wed, 09/14/2022 - 9:00am

      It is not uncommon for someone to quote, “The Lord shall give to you the desires of your heart” (Psalms 37:4). Although given as a means of encouragement, without the pathway that leads to the promise, our desire can fall by the wayside. An unfilled desire can rob a person of hope, with purpose and lead to discouragement with a life without expectation. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12).

    It is the Father’s delight to give His Children the desires of their heart. We are not talking about carnal desire, but that which the Father ordained. Godly desires encompass vision with purpose motivated by love. From the place of intimate fellowship, these desires were impregnated from the heart of the Father into the womb of the heart by faith. Over time these desires increased until they become an all-consuming quest to fulfill destiny.

    Consumed with unrelenting passion, these dreams, vision and desires of the bearer became a driving force that brings them back to their source, the heart of the Father. Let’s look at the pathway given in Scripture that we walk out by faith to inherit the promise.

    Psalms 37:4- “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give to you the desire of your heart.” To delight means to take pleasure in Him, offering our love, and praise with thanksgiving. He is the main thing; He is our desire. It is not the fulfilled desire that God seeks, but our heart.

   Psalms 37:5 “Commit your way unto the Lord, trust in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” As you can see, fulfilled desires are conditional.  To commit means to be faithful, to devote yourself to Him. To trust of course means to lay down our way, our means and plans to allow the Lord to bring it to pass by His Spirit, not by our works.

   Psalms 37:7 “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” To rest in the Lord means to be anxious for nothing, cease from fretting and getting all worked up emotionally. The place of rest in Christ brings peace and joy. To be patient requires the discipline to wait on Him, refraining from using our strength, and means to fulfil our desires, unless directed by the Lord.

   As the apostle Paul tells us, is by faith and patience that we inherit the promise” Be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promise (Hebrews 6:12).

   In Summary the Pathway to fulfill the desires of our heart, is by:

  1. Delight yourself in the Lord, the source of our desire (Psalms 37:4)
  2. Commit your way unto the Lord, trusting in Him (Psalms 37:5)
  3. Rest in the Lord waiting patiently (with expectation) for Him

    As I keep my focus upon the Lord, prayers are answered, my needs are met and supernatural things take place. It is with great joy to see how my Father brings the desires of my heart to the place of their fulfillment. Desires fulfilled without His presence, are like clouds without rain. But when fulfilled by Him, His blessings, and the joy of the Lord with favor rest upon me.

In His joy Roy