Junior Year in High School is the Hardest Year!

- Private group -
Mon, 01/20/2020 - 6:15pm

If you are a high school Junior, here is the bad news: Preparing to apply to college is like adding another course to your already busy schedule.

The good news is that if you start early and know what deadlines you have to meet, the job can get done with minimal disruptions and fantastic results. But you need to jumpstart the process beginning now.  

One of the first steps is taking the SAT test in your junior year. In October you had the option to retake the PSATs. Scores will be returned in mid-December. The scores will provide valuable information when preparing for the actual SATs held in the Spring. Signup for a FREE PSAT Analysis at The Study Hall. During this session, an expert will review your scores and make recommendations on how best to prepare for the actual SAT.

Analyze your Spring schedule. The SATs are offered monthly from March to June, in August, and monthly again from October through December. Plan to take the SATs multiple times in the Spring of your Junior year to avoid carrying them over to your Senior year. Are you thinking of applying to schools that require subject tests? Add that into the equation.  

Once you have your SAT scores, you will have a much better idea of the colleges that are a good fit for you.   Your SAT scores will guide your application process.

It seems pretty obvious that you want to score your best on the SATs so that you have more choices and so you can be competitive at more schools.   The higher your scores, the more you are able to be the person making the choices—where to apply, which school to consider, even how many scholarships might be available to you.

Since scoring well on your SATs will set the tone for your college search, why not make an effort to be as prepared as you can be? Why would you want to just “wing it” and see how you do? There is no advantage to going into the test unprepared.

The Study Hall has a lot of experience helping students maximize their scores.   We have tutors for both the math and the verbal sections. We offer one-on-one prep year round and six-week sessions leading up to the March, April and October test dates. It is almost time to start practicing, so call today to set up your free PSAT Analysis and personal strategy session and to reserve your place in the classes.

Take charge of your future—do your very best on the SATs and open the door to your academic success. Call The Study Hall at 236-3949 to enroll in one of their SAT Prep Classes. Prep for the March test starts Jan 30.