I’m Singing in the Rain A Word by Roy Roden

Mon, 07/23/2018 - 3:00pm


   It is has been a difficult time dealing with the grief and shock of the loss of my dear friend Steve Ball. Steve unexpectedly passed into eternity on June 23rd. Each day has been a battle fighting discouragement, depression, and despair. 

  In the midst of trials, tribulations, and tragedy, our pain can become pathways for healing when God’s heart becomes the object of our affection. Looking inward only causes a downward spiral. As I lift my heart to heaven to keep my eyes on Jesus, I feel His presence that strengthens my inner man with an impartation of joy – His joy is our strength. (Col. 3:1-2). Such is the faithfulness of His love. 

   This past Sunday I had a dream. In the dream, I was attending a Christian Conference. The dream consists of a number of conference speakers and events. I woke up feeling refreshed by the Spirit as if I had actually been there. My heart, mind, and emotions felt renewed by the life of His Spirit (Such grace). 

   At the end of the dream, I was singing the Hollywood classic "Singing in the rain.” In this movie Gene Kelly, while standing in the doorway of his girlfriend’s home, kiss her for the first time. In the midst of a torrential rain, Gene with his umbrella joyfully dances in the street while proclaiming His love singing, “I'm singing in the rain, I’m singing in the rain, Oh, what a glorious feeling, I am happy again." 

   I woke up with this song playing over and over in my mind. With it came a sense of joy WITH expectation. Later while outside just before the rains came, I was pruning the roses in my garden, when it occurred to me; my heart was alive with love. In my dream, Christ awakened my heart with love that enabled me to sing “I am singing in the rain, Oh what a glorious feeling, I am happy again. “

   At this revelation, I began to laugh hilariously. God’s love for me washed away the grief and sorrow and in it’s place, I was given a new heart (Ez. 36:26). Over the years through various ways, God has imparted His love to me. This time, in my sleep His love awakened me to a new season in preparation for new beginnings. 

   In my great faith, however, I asked the Lord for a confirmation. Being this was the first time the Lord refreshed my spirit in a dream attending a conference that I literally never went to, accompanied by an old classic song, all seemed so surreal. 

   Later I shared the classic song with my wife, Linda. She laughed and said, “That’s’ funny because you won’t believe what happened today.” She shared when she stepped out of the Church after the service, she noticed a young man on the porch with an umbrella dancing. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Linda accompanied him singing the song “I’m singing in the rain.” 

   In perfect step, the young man danced his way joyfully down the steps onto the lawn, all the while twirling his umbrella. She took a picture of him swinging around a lamppost. Well, there you have it. Laughing with joy, I have been singing this song ever since. 



Prophetically Speaking


  The Song “Singing in the rain” has a prophetic Biblical meaning. It represents new beginnings – that of love. In the Song of Solomon, the Lord exhorts His beloved that winter has passed. The call is given to His beloved to “Rise up and come away.” 

   “For lo, the winter is past (trials, etc.) and the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth: THE TIME OF SINGING of birds has come, and the VOICE OF THE TURTLE DOVE IS HEARD in our land.” (SOS 2:10-13). 

   The voice of the turtledove is a joyful sound. It is a symbol of love and faithfulness. The Lord is wooing His bride to rise up and come away, to be with Him- the place of His presence for “My beloved is mine and I am His” (SOS 2:16). 

   King David spoke of this when He proclaimed “Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound, they shall walk in the light of your countenance” (Psalms 89:15).

   Just as I experienced in my dream, the grace of God is anointing His people with fresh oil. The Spirit is moving to refresh, redeem, restore and bring healing to the body of Christ. The Sun of righteousness is now rising with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:1). 

   The old has passed away. The time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is being heard in our land. It’s time to sing, even if it is raining. 

   His love never fails and His love heals all wounds. In our trials, tribulations, tragedies, and calamities, Jesus' heart is always available to enter into. All these trials are but pathways that lead to His joy. In the presence of our enemies, the Lord sets a table before us. It is here as we feast at His table that He anoints us with fresh oil and our cup runs over with His goodness and mercy (Ps. 23:5). 

   Can God speak to you in prophecy, visions, and dreams? Yes. He can also bring healing and restoration while you are sleeping, as well as impartations of His eternal love, joy, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. 

   But for today, it’s time to rejoice with singing. In His heart and love with great joy, Roy Roden 

     To hear this 1952 classic song of the movie called “”Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly go to  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS7eczi9qlU