A beekeeper’s photo journal

Posted:  Tuesday, August 27, 2013 - 9:30pm


I started writing an update on our honeybees, the Edwards Apiary in Camden, but a swarm happened last week and that update got put on the back burner. So instead, I thought I would show you some of my favorite photos from this summer of our honeybees and how and where they live. Raising and keeping honeybees has been a great thing for my husband, Dave, and I to do this summer. There’s a lot to learn, but there are so many rewards. For one thing, we have neighbors that we didn’t know before who have noticed more pollenators in their gardens, their raspberry bushes and fruit trees, and they have taken the time to send us emails thanking us for the bees. Raising and keeping honeybees is a good thing in so many ways. For anyone curious about becoming a beekeeper, visit the Knox Lincoln County Beekeepers website and the Knox Lincoln County Beekeepers on Facebook and consider attending bee school this winter.