'It really is a family show this year'

Warning: The Seuss is Loose

Fri, 05/24/2013 - 1:15pm

    CAMDEN — Rockport Dance Conservatory will present its sixth spring showcase this evening, May 24 and 25 atthe Camden Opera House. Director Kari Cameron and assistant director Sally Leighton have strived to combine creativity with RDC’s dance styles. According to Cameron and Leighton the have held passionately to their original mission to inspire your imagination and help you to discover the joy of dance. RDC is a registered 501C-3 non-profit organization.

    Cameron said she got the inspiration for Seuss is Loose while cleaning up her kid’s rooms.

    “I was putting all these kids’ books away and came across a pile of Dr. Seuss books,” said Cameron. “I got into them and decided to do excerpts from the different books. It also happens to be the theme this year for Read Across America, so it fit in really nicely.”

    With Dr. Seuss you get into a lot of different costumes that can go from wild to extravagant. RDC is known for its costumes.

    “Every year the second half of our show involves a lot of costumes and there’s no guarantee there will be costumes out on the market for a specific theme,” said Cameron. “And I try to make it so the kids don’t have to help absorb huge costume fees, so we buy a lot of fabric and I have a lot of help in seamstresses. Sally Leighton and Lyn Tesseyman help a tremendous amount and between the three of us, somehow it all gets done in time for the show.”

    “I think it’s very different this year because we do have a lot of young people involved,” said Cameron. “It does change how the lighting is handled, plus it takes a different way to handle the kids backstage and keeping things easy for the kids on the stage and off. We have a new early-childhood teacher, Amber Guinn, and fortunately she did a lot of the work with the kids which made it easier for me.”

    “It’s really a family show this year, because we have such a younger group,” she said. “We tried not to use music from Seussical-type shows and we searched a lot to find songs that fit. We actually found a hip-hop Green Eggs and Ham song, so it worked out really well. It’s going to be a good show and the kids have just had a great time being part of it.”

    “Sally Leighton keeps me on task and does so much of the work. She coordinates all the backstage organization and does all the music,” said Cameron. "She makes sure I get everything done on time and that allows me to trouble shoot dances and costumes. She’s also a wonderful dancer and choreographer herself.”

    Suesse is Loose, has a 6:30 p.m. curtain time for both Friday and Saturday performances. It is sponsored in part by the Midcoast Recreation Center where the RDC studios are located. For information about classes and instructors go to  http://www.rockportdance.com/