Opinion: Don’t wait 30 years, as I did, to contact the VA

Veterans get excellent healthcare in Maine VA system

Mon, 11/06/2017 - 1:45pm

I wish to relate my positive experience within the Maine Veterans Administration healthcare system, and to encourage Maine veterans who are not in the system to take advantage of their healthcare benefits.

I am a 79-year-old veteran, who, until recently, enjoyed good health and was able to do many things I had always done and enjoyed. Being in this false-utopia, I saw little reason to contact the VA for healthcare. I planned to live to be 100; I didn’t understand how to enroll with the VA; there were many bad stories about VA problems in other parts of the country; and the application paperwork was a mystery.

For 30 years following discharge from the Air Force, I stuck by my ignorance and ignored what the services offered.

Then, in the past year, I developed health problems and was encouraged by my Maine veteran friends to explore what the VA has to offer.

I contacted the Department of Maine American Legion Services Officer Amedeo Lauria (207-623-5726). Lauria is a retired Army veteran, who understands the system and cuts through the bureaucracy to help Maine veterans.

Within an hour, he had me in the system for a hearing test and interview to determine if my hearing loss was service-connected.

In order for Amedeo to help, the following was needed: Service discharge form DD 214 and income tax returns from the tax year 2016. Amedeo will help you complete any other forms required.

If your early income is below the VA threshold, you will be entitled to receive VA healthcare. If your income exceeds the threshold but your health issue is declared to be service-connected, VA healthcare will be provided to treat the issue.

In my case, my income exceeded the threshold for general care, but my hearing loss was declared service-connected due to exposure to aircraft and helicopter noise. The VA will soon provide and fit me with hearing aids.

You may have been injured or wounded during your service and those scars of service are still an issue that could be declared service-connected.

All Maine VA personnel I have come into contact with, ranging from receptionists to doctors, are dedicated to honoring each veteran for his or her service with professional, courteous, patient-centered healthcare in modern facilities.

I encourage my fellow Maine veterans who have to contact the VA for healthcare to do so.

Don’t wait 30 years, as I did.

You will be glad you did and you will be pleased with the Maine VA healthcare system.

Arnold L. Snyder, Jr., USAF Ret., lives in Stockton Springs.