Robert Falciani: Why I am running for Camden Select Board

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 1:00pm


 I do not need to learn how to manage the many functions of the Select Board. I have worked with select boards, city councilmen, planning boards, economic development committees, zoning boards, etc., with municipalities in dozens of cities and Towns in the USA and overseas. There is no learning curve.

In order to achieve the many accomplishments of my career I utilized skills that are essential in developing consensus amongst individuals / departments with diverse perspectives. Principally these skills involve listening and ensuring that people feel "empowered" in the organization.

Consensus Building: I have always said, "One does not need to be young to understand how our younger generations think and one does not need to be old to understand how our older generations think". One has to understand the art of listening and NOT let your personal opinion or biases get in the way. I have successfully utilized this talent as a parent, as a teacher, as an executive managing numerous departments and as a mentor to post graduate students. Keep an open ear, an open mind and THEN you can provide informed feedback. It works.

Provide Residents Town Status Reports: Too often residents/votersare asked to make decisions (ballots, town meetings, etc.) with limited information. I know people respond better when informed. You should not have to make decisions on ballot initiatives without being provided information on how your vote on how the items "collectively" may impact the future of the town budgets, future planning for identified needs, etc. Every item taken alone may make sense or not, but how do they collectively affect future projected needs. I want to see future budget projections from which decisions on current items can be better made.

Voter/Resident Apathy: Each and every town/city I have dealt with is concerned with voter apathy. In virtually all cases this apathy is a direct function of voters feeling they are NOT EMPOWERED. There are proven ways to increase empowerment. They include regularly scheduled informal resident gatherings whose sole purpose is to solicit input. That input does not have to be in person. There are numerous internet options available that allow input via comments. These have proven to increase interest and participation in town government.

Economic Development: This only comes when the town has a well-defined Development Plan. Economic development including generating jobs for younger families, supporting business owners, etc., does not evolve by waiting for development opportunities. It is a proactive activity that requires outreach to entice businesses, institutions or conferences to look at Camden. I see us marketing Camden more aggressively. It needs to be a priority.

New England Native-Born in Boston-Raised in Quincy, MA.

Educated in Massachusetts:
Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Master's Degree in Engineering (Northeastern University)
Master's Degree in Business Administration (Northeastern University)


Over 30 years in increasingly more responsible Executive Management Positions
CEO/President of companies ranging from $100,000/year to $250 million/year
Co-Owner of a Professional Consulting Service Company:
Started and Built the Company to 130 Employees
Company provided Professional Services to its Clients in the Planning , design and construction of real estate facility needs
Facility types encompassed:
Commercial / Industrial Manufacturing
Research Institutes (Culinary, Oceanographic, and University)
Internet Support (datacenters, call centers)
Successful Execution of real Estate Facility Projects in 25 States & 36 Countries
Part time Professor at Wentworth Institute
Mentor/Sponsor Program for Post Graduate Business Students


Strong Management Skills
Finance / Accounting
Future Planning / Forecasting (Define the Look Ahead)
Organizational Development
People Oriented – I know how to work WITH people
Business / Financial Planning
Budget Development AND Monitoring
Operational Monitoring and Control Procedures