Red Cross’s Home Fire Preparedness Campaign in Rockland

Tue, 09/01/2015 - 8:45am

ROCKLAND  — Over the next few days, Rockland Fire and EMS will be going door to door in different neighborhoods handing out flyers for the Red Cross’s Home Fire Preparedness Campaign. The U.S suffers over 2500 fire related deaths each year and the lack of early detection and warning is all too often a factor in these tragedies. The Red Cross has set a goal to reduce home fire deaths by 25% over the next five years through education and the installation of smoke detectors.

These new 10 year life smoke detectors will be installed at no cost by Red Cross “certified” installers after a brief in-home survey. The installation team will also provide information on home fire safety as well as other emergency preparedness topics. We anticipate each home survey/installation to take approximately 20 minutes. Those wishing to access the program can: 1) go to the Red Cross’s website at: and click on the “Home Fire Preparedness Campaign” in the left hand menu, 2) email the Red Cross at: or, 3) call and leave a message at 207-874-1192 ext 113.

It is the intent of Rockland Fire and EMS and the Red Cross to get as many detectors installed as possible between the end of August and mid-September. There will be ongoing outreach available for those needing these life saving devices. Please note that the inspection survey is not for Code compliance and the detectors will not meet the requirements of the Code(s) where hardwired smoke detection is required. While this will not correct some Code related issues, it is the intent of the Fire Service and the Red Cross to ensure as much early detection and warning is available to everyone. Anyone needing up-to date smoke detectors or unsure of the quality or effectiveness of their smoke detection “system” can request the home survey.

If you’d like more information please see the above links and number or contact the Rockland Fire and EMS Department at: 207-594-0318. If you are not in Rockland but are interested in this program contact your local FD, this is a national program that has been offered to all area FD’s.