Letter to the editor: Re-elect Dave Miramant to keep fisheries strong

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 12:45pm

 I am writing in support of re-electing Dave Miramant to our State Senate. I want to start with a personal story about the complexities of issues that can come our way and then share why I believe Senator Miramant is well equipped to address them.

Years ago, three of us gathered around my kitchen table with conversations that manifested in the creation of the Georges River Tidewater Association to clean up the St. George River. Our efforts would soon be stymied by a proposal to downgrade the classification of the river in order to accommodate pollution from a sewage treatment plant. Had it passed, this downgrading would have resulted in harmful algae blooms, a reduction of oxygen in the water, and negative impacts on the ecosystem and subsequently, our fishing industry. In the end, we were successful in protecting the river and the treatment plant plans were revised, accordingly. Our clam industry and the important jobs of clammers survived. 

This story came to mind when I recently listened to a nonpolitical presentation from lobsterman David Cousens, President of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association for well over 20 years. Of the numerous issues he shared from first-hand experience of what is happening in our waters, one is that global warming is real.

Recalling my experience with the St. George River and how as a private citizen, I realized that I initially knew nothing about oxygen in the water, but came to understand the issue when the threat to the watershed became real. After the Maine Lobstermen’s Association President’s presentation, I only know a little more about the threat global warming poses to our lobster industry and the important jobs that accompany it from fishing to tourism to our greater local economy. But I know the threat is real and needs to be addressed. I know that to be successful, this will require private citizens, like you and me, to take action, and one way to take vital action is by re-electing Senator Dave Miramant this November 8.

You may feel as I do that in the fullness of our days, it's impossible to stay on top of every important issue. So when I vote for someone to represent me in Augusta, I want to be confident that person’s values match my own, and that he or she will take the time to understand all the critical issues we need to address to keep Maine strong. State Senator Dave Miramant has proven to be just such a person: it’s clear that he understands climate change, especially as it relates to our fisheries and the health of the ecosystem and associated jobs, and that he will continue to take appropriate action.

I also want a candidate who is solutions-oriented, welcoming ideas from both sides of the aisle; if you check Senator Miramant’s record, you will find he has done just that, and done that exceptionally well. 

Please join me and send Dave Miramant back to Augusta to continue his good work.

Diane Smith lives in Cushing