Letter to the editor: A lot of people care, let them vote

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 10:15am

I am a member of the Rockport Library Committee. I support building a new library at the RES site. The Library Committee has been examining the options for the future of our library for several years, the latest work done by the Library Steering Committee. I am excited about the possibility of having a library that is easily accessible to all of Rockport. A library that can be expanded when our community grows. A library that will be our community resource.

There are people who are opposed to this idea and people who are for it. Because there are strong feelings on both sides, it is important that this measure be put before the voters of Rockport. The vote will inform us in a way that can be counted and verified.

A nonbinding affirmative vote in November would enable us to look at designs and develop a funding strategy. A negative vote would indicate that we need to revisit other options.

On Tuesday, Aug. 5 there will be a public meeting on whether or not this question should be on the ballot. The proposed warrant is: "Do you agree that the town of Rockport should develop a plan for a new library on the RES site, provided that the current ball fields are preserved and pending community input on design and budget?"

There are three ways you can make your thoughts known to the select board:

• Send an email to librarypublichearing@town.rockport.me.us. State your position in the subject line ("For the warrant on ballot" "Against the warrant on ballot" "Neither for nor against"). Include your name, address and state your position in the body of the email. Include more if you are so inclined.

• Send email to the select board directly - William Chapman, Chair wchapman@town.rockport.me.us; Charlton Ames, Vice-Chair cames@town.rockport.me.us; Kenneth McKinley, kmckinley@town.rockport.me.us; Tracy Lee Murphy, tlmurphy@town.rockport.me.us; and Geoffrey C. Parker, gparker@town.rockport.me.us

• Attend the public meeting on Aug. 5 at the Rockport Opera House at 6:30 PM.

You can choose one or all methods. I look forward to your participation!

Cate Monroe