Letter to the editor: Library parking problem in Rockport?

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 12:15pm

In her recent letter about library parking Helen Shaw asked me some questions which I will attempt to answer. The first question asked was “Also, when exactly were these ‘busy times’ that the survey was conducted? Mr Baldwin only mentions the Wednesday after school program.”

Yes, I surveyed during the Wednesday after-school program, and I also had previously inquired about other busy library times and was informed that the Mah Jongg sessions and the Tuesday morning Children’s Story Hour were very busy times. All of these are included as samples to the survey. Helen, if you have any other times that you feel should be included in the survey, please give me a call and I’ll include them. The reality is the samples demonstrate a remarkable consistency.

You also stated that Union Street and Central Avenue are steep and they make for difficult parking. I would agree with you here if you had to parallel park on these streets. The reason I think the modest grade is not a parking problem is there never was a time when one had to parallel park. Both streets, within 60 seconds walk of the library, were totally empty of any cars during most of the samples. During the busiest time there were three cars in the 10 spots on Union Street. Central Avenue was very similar until you got down near the restaurants.

Helen, I totally agree with you that people with mobility problems, with young children, or with health issues should not have to walk any further than necessary and should have the safest possible parking. I am sure these individuals park on the level street parking within one step of library property. I’m sure of this because even on the very busiest day there were three of these prime spaces available; really four if you count the handicapped space, which seems to always be available. Even more of these prime spaces were available during all the other times sampled.

I doubt that a large new library with a large parking lot would have parking as convenient as these seven prime spaces.

Probably, the best way for each of us to resolve this parking problem is to follow Paul Charbonneau’s advice and drive by during one of these busy times and decide for yourself based on your own evidence.

Furthermore, our town center and streets could look very empty and deserted without a public library and without an art museum.

Our library is a wonderful organization. It deserves much credit for its many programs, such as the wonderful and well attended seafearing presentation they put on this evening.

Bob Baldwin lives in Rockport