Letter to the editor: I’m voting to keep Rockport library in present location

Fri, 10/24/2014 - 8:45pm

A previous letter to the editor concerning moving the Rockport library stated, " let’s not cling to the past." Which past should we not be clinging to?  The one where families and towns didn't spend more money than they had coming in?

The past where citizens didn't struggle to pay their ever increasing property tax.  

The past where those responsible to take care of public structures didn't let them fall into disrepair so they appeared to be in need of being torn down.  

I'm for the old New England values where you saved string, repaired what was broken and didn't live beyond your means.

If our present library has been too costly to maintain and repair, how in the world do you think we can afford to maintain, heat and staff a new building which would be several times larger than our present library?

Although I've driven it several thousand times I still get great joy driving up Pascal Avenue past our most beautiful harbor, past Union Hall, the Shepherd Building, Opera House and that landmark, the Rockport Public Library and up the road past Aldermere Farm — all icons that define the Rockport village and town.  If we loose our icons we lose our history.

Yes, I'm voting to keep the library in it's present location. To expand enough to fulfill defined needs.  And to improve to make it a positive experience for all.

Please join me and vote no on Articles 8 and 9.

Donald Flock lives in Rockport