Letter to the editor: Camden’s Article 2 is based on bad reasoning

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 10:45am

It is bad reasoning to claim the Traditional Village District is not residential. Read the definition: "The Traditional Village District encompasses the older residential neighborhoods near the center of the community, where historically a majority of the town's population lived within walking distance of the central business district and governmental and cultural facilities."

It is bad reasoning to claim it's unfair to not allow in residential neighborhoods what is permitted in business districts. That would make zoning meaningless.

It is bad reasoning to claim that serving meals to guests who would otherwise eat in town is somehow good for the town.

It is bad reasoning to require proof of harm as a basis for rejecting a zoning change. By that standard, the guiding principles of any zoning become useless. The first change ismcalled small and insignificant, so any harm is also small and no one can prove it will occur. The second is no different in kind than the first, so it is OK too. Finally, there are so many such changes that the impact of the next really is insignificant. That is how your neighborhood becomes commercial and less desirable to live in.

It is bad reasoning to say it is "innovative" to push for adding a commercial activity where it is explicitly prohibited by 5 different zoning sections. That isn't innovation, it is just self-interest.

It is bad reasoning to call explicit prohibitions against commercial activities in residential neighborhoods a "moratorium" or a "lockdown". It is called good zoning and it is good for all of Camden.

It is bad reasoning to reward someone for persistently pushing bad ideas for 3 years -persistence does not transform bad ideas into good ones.

It is bad reasoning to allow empathy for any business owner to overrule good judgment & keeping commercial activities from expanding further in residential neighborhoods.

It is bad reasoning to let the financial issues of one family trump good zoning principles and rational planning.

It is bad reasoning to claim you want a level playing field when you seek to disadvantage the other Inns in your residential zone location.

Don’t accept bad reasoning.

Vote no on Article 2

Ken Kohl, for the Citizens for Camden's Future, lives in Camden.