Dear Old Guy: New driver’s mom

Sun, 03/29/2015 - 9:00pm

Dear Old Guy welcomes letters on all subjects, including love, marriage, child rearing, even basic plumbing and medical advice. What he doesn’t know, he is happy to make up. After all, he’s just an opinionated Old Guy. Submit your questions to Dear Old Guy here.

Dear Old Guy,

This is in response to Keep my Hands at 2 and 10. I was interested to learn that driver's training classes now encourage placing the hands at 9 and 3. This has to do with airbag safety. It's also supposed to reduce driver fatigue. Who knew? Whenever I notice my hands at 10 and 2, I slide them down to 9 and 3. Old habits die hard.

Signed New Driver's Mom


Dear New,

          Thanks for writing, but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. What driver education taught your son about keeping his hands at 9 and 3 is only during daylight savings time. Please make sure he knows that.

          A similar lesson you might share with your teen was something I learned about his age, as well. I was hitchhiking and I wish I had known to never to get in a car with a creepy guy whose two hands were constantly at 6, until one of them wasn’t. Ever jump from a moving auto at 25mph? Thank god for the snow bank. —O.G.

Dear Old Guy,

To clarify my question of last week: Was I wrong calling my wife by her mother’s name?

Signed, Still Enjoying the Peace but No Lovin' Long Time


Dear Still,

          For you it’s a question of timing. I would say any man who calls his wife by her mother’s name in the heat of passion is lucky to be alive. If you did it out of spite during an argument because your wife reminds you of her mother, you are lucky to be alive.

But if you called your wife by her mother’s name because she just put you in a home for advanced dementia then consider yourself lucky to be out of house at last. Hope that clarifies my position! —O.G.

Dear Old Guy,

          My best friend Sandra is slowly recovering from anorexia. She’s had some medical bills and other expenses. The ladies at church want to throw a potluck supper as a fundraiser. I don’t know, but that seems a little inappropriate. Kind of like having a bachelor auction to help victims of human trafficking, like the one I attended in San Francisco last fall. Any ideas for a less tasteful tasteful fundraiser?

                                                                               Signed, Fed Up


Dear Fed,

          Hey, don’t start me. I went to a fair sponsored by the Veteran’s Administration that had three-legged races and worse. So, yes, sometimes people who intend to do good deeds aren’t quite thinking.

          As for a suitable fundraiser for your recovering friend, how about if you quietly pass the hat around. Not everything requires a big fuss and Sandra may not want the loud attention a big event may bring. Let me know what you finally come up with.  —O.G.