Pastor Margaret Moser to Retire From John Street United Methodist Church

Thu, 06/08/2017 - 12:30pm

Story Location:
John Street United Methodist Church
98 John Street
Camden, ME 04843
United States

Margaret Moser was appointed to ministry at the John Street United Methodist Church by the Bishop of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church as of July 1, 2010.  After 7 years of dedicated ministry to the congregation she is retiring from church ministry as of June 30, 2017.  During her tenure she introduced programs to encourage the congregation’s spiritual journeys as well as providing resources for a fresh understanding of the United Methodist heritage.

Under her leadership the church adopted a new mission statement: “Worship, Serve and Share God’s Love.”   She encouraged congregants to apply the statement in their daily lives.  She also was effective in leading the laity to discern their gifts and ways they could use them to strengthen their faith and service. 

The congregation learned a broader understanding of the special days in the church calendar through Pastor Peg’s worship services that included interaction with the congregation through drama, music and ritual, providing a multi-dimensional experience.  Her sermons were spiritual, literate, biblical, experiential and relevant to today’s world.  From the start of her appointment in Camden she embraced the reconciling status of the John Street Church, welcoming worshippers, regardless of their social status, race, sexual orientation or other marginalization.

During the time she has served the Camden congregation, she has inspired fresh spiritual and missional practices as well as thoughtful approaches to Christian service.  She assessed strengths in parishioners and found appropriate roles for each one in the tapestry of church life, bringing the congregation together with the motto: Worship, Serve and Share God’s Love.

Pastor Peg will offer her final message at the John Street United Methodist Church during the 10:30 am worship time on Sunday, June 11, followed by a time to say good-bye.